Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ruby Ball Gown Limited Edition Set: An Incomplete Review

I am in the minority in liking the limited edition Ruby Ball Gown that's a store exclusive for the holidays 2014. But I'm in the majority of not liking the coat. I couldn't decide whether or not I wanted to buy it for the longest time, but when the price was reduced I decided to try it.

I had only looked at the dress and coat before I found a problem (well, two problems). First, the scalloped tulle on the dress was super wrinkly from being in the box and of course it can't be ironed. I've read in others' reviews it can be steamed, but I don't have a steamer at the moment! So I think I'll either leave it on a doll and hope it sets properly (doubtful) or I'll try to put it under a book or something heavy with the tulle in place, but that sounds difficult/silly too.

The second and more important problem was that, in the stitching of my white coat, there is some random brown thread. Right in the front! I already didn't really like the coat, and now it has a defect? For THAT price? I don't think so.

Now I have to decide if I want to return it or exchange it. And to top it off, I've turned my apartment upside down and can't find the receipt. I'm 99% sure the sales girl didn't give me one, though it's my fault for not making sure I had one before I left. But I don't think that should be a problem, since my purchases are all recorded in their computer systems (a benefit, I guess, of having to tell them my full name every time I buy something. Sigh).

Anyway, I put the dress on Cecile and took some pictures before I do whatever it is I'm going to do with the whole set. She's not wearing any shoes (haha) because I didn't take the shoes, barrette, or purse out of their plastic, since I'm going to be returning/exchanging it. Barefoot doll in a ball gown!

 Here you can sort of see all the wrinklies on the right (doll's left) side of the dress.

It just kind of looks like a big mess :/

This is the tulle in the front.

This is how the tulle lays in the back. Bonus cat toy!

 Details of the bodice.

This is the brown thread on the front of the coat.

At this point I'm leaning toward exchanging it and selling the coat so that I won't have to pay as much for the part of the set I like. But it's kind of sad, as a collector, to break up a set. I'll update when or if I get the whole thing unpacked and modeled in the near future!

What are your opinions on this limited edition set?

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