Tuesday, December 9, 2014

My Cyber Monday and Daily Deals Haul(s)!

Holy Cyber Monday and Daily Deals! I have spent so so so much money the past week on all of American Girl's sales. Here's a picture of my loot from TWO of my THREE orders:

On Cyber Monday, I ordered online:
Addy's Hairstyling Set
Addy's Lace Up Boots
Addy's Plaid Summer Set
Addy's Shoes and Socks
Addy's Winter Coat
Fancy Boots
Jewel Highlights
Josefina's Shoes and Socks
Kaya's Doll and Cradleboard
Rebecca's Classic Accessories
Rebecca's Hairstyling Set

It was the first time I ever ordered anything from Josefina's and Kaya's collection. I love Josefina's shoes, and think they can look cool as modern shoes. I'm also preparing for my birthday, which is in February. I am getting Kaya then! I want pretty much everything in her collection.

Then, the Daily Deals on Saturday were AMAZING! I went to the store to return the Ruby Ballgown (I decided to use the money toward the Daily Deals), and got:
Addy's Bed and Bedding
Kaya's Pow Wow Dress of Today
Kit's Summer Dress
Rebecca's Bed and Bedding

I was happy to add another item to my Kaya collection, and this was the first time I got anything from Kit's collection! I love love love her summer dress though, especially the lacy, sheer yoke. It's adorable! And with everything half off, how could I not?

After all of that, I said to myself I wouldn't get anything else for the rest of the year, unless they put Caroline's Parlor or 18" dolls half off. And I thought both of those would never happen! Well... today, of course, the Daily Deals included Caroline's Parlor half off. So I made a third big order and got:
Caroline's Holiday Gown
Caroline's Parlor
Rebecca's Kittens
Samantha's Frilly Frock
Sparkle Sequin Outfit

I had to get Rebecca's kittens since I got Rebecca's bed. It looked so empty without those kittens sitting on it, like they display it at the store! I decided to get Caroline's holiday gown while I was getting her huge parlor, and I've wanted the sparkle sequin outfit for a while. It's one of my favorite modern outfits. But I decided never to buy MAG outfits unless they are on sale, so I had to grab it on sale. FINALLY, the silver shimmer holiday dress was supposed to be on sale, and I was going to get that, but when it ended up not being a Daily Deal after all, I threw in Samantha's Frilly Frock. I only really want the boots from that outfit.  I decided I would never buy it full price, but still kind of want it, so getting it half off was great!

Now I swear I'm not getting ANYTHING ELSE, unless 18" dolls go on sale. (Or, okay, maybe Bitty Baby dolls too.) I seriously don't need any furniture or clothes for American Girl dolls for at least a year thanks to all these sales. I have enough stuff to review on my blog for quite a long time! Next year, I think I will be getting Kaya in February, Kirsten around February, and maybe GOTY Grace early in the year too, or at least at some point in 2015. I will be happy just to collect from those three collections, on a much more scaled back level, for the rest of 2015.

I was really proud of myself for not spending too, too much on Cyber Monday. On Saturday, I was still really happy to get the beds on such a great discount. But after today, I kind of feel guilty for getting the parlor. I LOVE it, but I had no idea I would be getting it so early on in my collecting. I just have a feeling it will never be discounted that far again, and I won't ever want to pay $300 for it, so... I have mixed feelings. I said on a message board that I wish they wouldn't have put it on sale at all. If it would have always been $300, it wouldn't have bothered me as much to save up and get it in a couple of years. But now that I would know I could have gotten it for $150, I would have always been complaining about it. So I am excited for it to arrive. I'm not excited to bring it up to my third floor apartment, though.

Did you get anything fun from all these sales? Let me know in the comments!

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